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MAH: Das einzige persische Bier der Welt

A Performance, a printed banner, a wooden table, beer bottles, beer labels, printed pages of a story
Bauhaus Universität Weimar Marienstrasse 5 / Weimar / DE

'MAH : Das einzige persische Bier der Welt' or 'MAH: the only Iranian beer in the world' is a project investigating the nature of fabrication, simulation and adaptation of the truth.
The project has been built up based on this story:

"Before the 1979 revolution in Iran, there was a beer brewed in Tehran named (Shams/شَمس) meaning (Sun).  (FACTUAL)

In 30th of January 1979, at 1:30 in the afternoon, in the Majidieh Street, a huge group of people, while shouting out the religious slogans, attacked the Shams Brewery and fired it up. In this fire incident factory’s storage, cooperatives, three trucks, two cars and the brewery’s office burned. The Fire continued until six o'clock in the afternoon. After 1979, in the basement of the factory, The Museum of Time’s Art was built. (FACTUAL)

The subsequent anti-alcohol law caused Shams to travel along with it’s countries immigrants and since 2013, it finds its home in Berlin, with the new identity of (Mah/ماه) meaning (Moon). (FABRICATED)"

Shams beer label

The story in a package